I had an excellent experience this morning shortly after 10 am on Cape
Croker on the Bruce Peninsula.


I located a Golden Eagle sitting near the road and pulled over to admire it.
The eagle was making soft vocalizations and staring intently across the road
at the hedgerow. It flew about 100 feet away and landed in a tree just
before eleven Wild Turkey walked along the edge of the field into the


I got out of my car to have a better view of the eagle and watched it turn
its head from side to side, even almost completely upside down twice, eyeing
up the turkeys. 


Suddenly it launched out of the tree, wheeled around and dove down at the
turkeys. There was a warning shriek and a lot of crashing in the hedgerow
before the eagle flew out without a meal. It landed across the field and the
turkeys hunkered down, each trying to outwait the other. 


Very exciting for all of us!

Cindy Cartwright

Saugeen Shores

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