Further to Stu Mackenzie's post of Jan 1

Went down Monday (Jan 2) to see the local celebrity. I had a fleeting
glimpse before it went into hiding. I also had a run in with a local while
walking on the road. As soon as I came in site of the 2nd house on the
north side he sent a stream of verbal abuse my way and I thought it prudent
to reverse course back the way I came. I had been following the standard
rules we go by (walking on the roadside, parked well out of the way of the
homes, no trespassing, no pics toward houses etc) but perhaps others had
not over the past 2 weeks. He was clearly frustrated by the unusual
activity on his road and wondered loudly if maybe it was time we moved on.

Thought I should pass it along to others.

Happy Trails

Mike Norton
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