Well over 100 birders joined Marcie Jacklin, Jeremy Bensette and I for the 
annual OFO gull trip along the Niagara River yesterday, December 3, 2017. We 
were treated to beautiful weather conditions - nearly 10 degrees, sunny and 
calm - and a wide variety of interesting birds were seen, including nine 
species of gulls as well as the Thayer's subspecies of Iceland Gull. The OFO 
group began at the overlook for the Adam Beck/Robert Moses power plants in the 
morning, then birded the stretch of river from Niagara Falls to above the 
Control Gates during the late morning and early afternoon. Due to the size of 
the OFO group, small factions broke off throughout the day, covering many 
location. Below are some of our highlights from an excellent day along the 
mighty Niagara River. My apologies if I have missed any sightings. Due to the 
size of the group I am sure there were several notable sightings that are not 
covered here.

Adam Beck overlook - several "Kumlien's" Iceland Gulls of various ages, 
including a nice comparison of several 2nd winter birds. One of the 2nd winter 
Iceland Gulls at Adam Beck appeared to lie more on the Thayer's side of the 
spectrum, while an adult "Thayer's" Iceland Gull was also viewed by some. Two 
Peregrine Falcons were seen here as well.

Niagara Falls - the Black-legged Kittiwake was seen well by most birders who 
tried for it. The bird would disappear for half an hour at a time but was 
frequently observed flying in and out of the mist at the base of the Horseshoe 
Falls, providing excellent looks at its distinctive juvenile plumage. A life 
bird for many!

Above the Falls - the group of five Harlequin Ducks were in their usual 
location, amongst the rocks mid-river and across from the Floral Showhouse 
building (greenhouse). At least eight different Lesser Black-backed Gulls of 
various ages were found in the stretch of river between the edge of the Falls 
and the Control Gates, while "Kumlien's" Iceland Gull and Glaucous Gull were 
also observed here. A Snowy Owl spent a second consecutive day at the south end 
of the concrete breakwall extending south from the Control Gates. Two Common 
Ravens provided entertainment near the Control Gates as they flew around and 
exhibited some pair-bonding behaviour. I heard second hand that someone watched 
one of the Common Ravens steal the remains of a dead bird from the Snowy Owl! 
Common Raven has only recently become a member of the avifauna of Niagara as 
the species slowly extends its range to the south in southern Ontario. Three 
Northern Rough-winged Swallows were lingering on the river, flying back and 
forth from the area around the barge to the Control Gates. Northern 
Rough-winged Swallows are often seen here into early November, but it is 
unusual for them to linger into the winter birding season. This is only the 
second record out of the last 10 years during "winter" in Ontario.

Queenston - The Black Vultures were active on this warm sunny day and several 
groups saw individuals gliding over the river near Queenston. Some of us were 
not so lucky and our only views of Black Vulture were of 1-3 birds roosting on 
the roof of the usual church across the river in Lewiston, NY. The Queenston 
docks provided good views of up to three Little Gulls as they foraged along the 
river to the north.

Crystal Beach - While a little ways away from the Niagara River, several groups 
of birders reported success in observing the Brant at Crystal Beach Waterfront 
Park, located on the north shore of Lake Erie between Point Abino and Fort 
Erie. This bird does occasionally wander along the shoreline, but is usually on 
the beach immediately west of the parking area at Crystal Beach Waterfront Park.

Thank you to Marcie and Jeremy for assisting me with leading this hike, and 
thank you to all the other birders who were so generous in assisting with 
identification and aging of gulls with their fellow peers. Additionally, I want 
to give a special shout out to Justin Peter and Mark Peck who put together an 
excellent gull workshop and quiz at the Niagara Falls Public Library on the 
Saturday afternoon. I hope that a great time was had by all, and I'm looking 
forward to next year!

Good birding,

Josh Vandermeulen

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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