Hello everyone,
I suspect we came close to setting two records for today: 1) the coldest 
temperatures for an OFO outing starting the day at -23C (feeling like -32C) and 
2) the shortest outing at just under 2 hours.
Sixteen participants joined Dan and I, and managed to tally 24 species of 
birds. We started the day with a Northern Mockingbird huddled in the shrubs at 
the corner of Leslie St. and Unwin Ave. The most productive area was the open 
water at the bridge at Unwin Ave. Nice surprises here include a drake Northern 
Pintail, two Lesser Scaup, three Hooded Mergansers and two American Coot. 
Some of the participants spotted a fly over Common Raven as well as three 
American Robins. Another participant briefly saw a bird flush from the wet 
woods which was most likely a Long-eared Owl based on their description. 
Ashbridge's Bay proved unproductive with a small group of Ring-billed Gulls 
huddled on the ice. The only species we added here were a couple of Herring 
Gulls. The wind started to pick up and subsequently the temperature became 
unbearable. The group quickly dissipated to the warmth of their cars. 
Thanks to all the participants for braving the cold and making it an enjoyable 
Below is the link to the eBird checklists for the outing. Note that I left off 
Common Raven as I did not see this bird. 

Good birding,Garth 
Garth Riley Etobicoke, Ontario rile...@yahoo.com
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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