
There has been a report of a drake Barrow's Goldeneye in London today by Ben 
Evans. I don't have an exact location, but it is in the river around the 
Springbank/Greenway park area. I know that at least four birders, including 
myself, went out looking for it this afternoon, unsuccessfully. It could very 
well still be in the area, as I believe there was a section of the river nobody 

On a side note, there have also been reports of Horned Grebes, a Pied-billed 
Grebe, Northern Pintails, a Red-breasted Merganser, and a Long-tailed Duck, all 
of which are winter rarities in Middlesex.

Springbank Park has many access points off of Commissioner's Road and 
Springbank Drive. Consider parking at Storybrook Gardens off of Commissioner's.

Greenway Park can be accessed by turning onto Greenside Ave. off of Springbank 
Drive. There is a parking lot past the wastewater plant. Often ducks will 
concentrate along the stretch of water off of Greenway Park.

Good birding,

Quinten Wiegersma

London, Ont



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