Yesterday Nov. 15th Ian Cannell and I drove up through Bolton and along Hwy 9 
to County Road 10, up 10 through Angus and on up to Hwy 26 at Sunnidale 
Corners, east along Hwy 26 to Strongville Road, along some roads around 
Strongville then on over to the Muley Point Road area on the east side of Lake 
Simcoe across from Orillia then east along Ramara Township Rd 46 from Hwy 12 to 
Avery Point on Lake Dalrymple and then on down Kirkfield Rd 6 to Kirkfield and 
over to Prospect Rd, down Prospect Rd to Glenarm Rd and over to Hwy 12/48 and 
on down home.

Though we did not rack up a large number of species we did find some nice birds 
and following are some of them.

Great Blue Heron, 500 Canada Geese, Common Goldeneye, 21 Hooded Mergansers, 
350+ Common Mergansers on Lake Dalrymple, Red-tailed and Rough-Legged Hawks, A. 
Kestrel, 2 Ruffed Grouse, 1000+ Sandhill Cranes, 35 Herring and 1 Great 
Black-backed Gull, Snowy Owl, Red-bellied and Pileated Woodpeckers, 7 Common 
Ravens, Robin, 2 Northern Shrikes, A. Tree Sparrows, Song Sparrows, 150+ Snow 
Buntings, 3 Pine Grosbeaks, 1 male and 2 females together on the road (Rd 46 at 
Hwy 12).

Note:- The Cranes were on and over the fields along Strongville Rd (south of 
Hwy 26 and west of Edenvale) and the Herring Gulls were laying down resting 
together in a field, probably a resting migrating flock and a juvenile Great 
Black-backed Gull laying down there as well.

If you go to see the Cranes please do not trespass on the fields to try and get 
closer with your camera or binoculars as this will probably flush these resting 
birds that many others may want to see. They are easy to see and hear from the 
road or from within your car, be sure to park so as not to block the road.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada

You can't see birds if you don't go out but sit and wait for others to find 
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