Good Morning,

 Yesterday Bob Tyler and I again birded Ward’s and Algonquin Islands and though 
bird numbers were down, especially waterfowl we did find enough birds to make 
us happy and following are some of them.

Eared Grebe, 2 Trumpeter Swans, Wood Duck, 4 Canvasbacks, Red-breasted and 
Common Mergansers, Cooper’s Hawk, Bonaparte’s Gull, 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers,  15 Northern Flickers, 
12 Eastern Phoebes, Tree and Barn Swallows, White-breasted Nuthatches, 16 Brown 
Creepers, Winter Wrens, Golden-crowned Kinglets, 8 Hermit Thrushes, Northern 
Mockingbird (singing now), Chipping, Field, 36 Song and White-throated 
Sparrows,  and Dark-eyed Juncos.

WE also watched 20+ emerging Garter Snakes together, some wrapped together and 
among them were 3 melanistic forms.

15+ Red Admiral Butterflies.

PS – Bob informed me that yesterday Friday April 12th there were many Flickers, 
Juncos, Hermit Thrushes and Kinglets down there but it seemed that most of that 
influx had moved on  and he also found a Yellow-rumped Warbler.

A lot more birds to come.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill, ON

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