The now annual OFO field trip to the Renfrew Lake District attracted eight 
participants from across eastern Ontario: Arnprior, Metcalf, Ottawa, Pembroke 
and Perth were all represented. Rolling the dice, we started at Lake Dore, 
where calm waters allowed for excellent if distant viewing of numerous Common 
Loons and Bonaparte's Gull, along with a few grebes. While there we heard what 
sounded at first like distant thunder. Eventually we realized that it was an 
artillery barrage from the Petawawa forces base, some 40km distant! The wind 
picked up thereafter and stops at the Pembroke Marina and Westmeath Provincial 
Park, despite excellent shorebird habitat at both, and good sparrow habitat at 
the latter, were disappointing. Redemption arrived at Lapasse where 
participants were treated to the spectacular sight and sounds of a massive 
Sandhill Crane flock, counted at 424. A brief sunny interlude at Westmeath 
convinced a few butterflies and dragonflies to take to the wing, the highlight 
being cracking views of an Elusive Clubtail eating an unfortunate bug, a scarce 
and, as the name suggests, elusive dragonfly.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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