Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
Tundra Swan
Northern Pintail
Ruffed Grouse
Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull
Common Loon
Turkey Vulture
Golden Eagle
Bald Eagle
Snowy Owl
Short-eared Owl
Northern Shrike
Hermit Thrush
Brown Creeper
Winter Wren
Eastern Bluebird
Snow Bunting
Chipping Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird

Fairly quiet times here in the HSA but its winter and it's to be expected.
Excitement came and went this week as a new sighting of GRAY PARTRIDGE was
found on Paris Plains Church road in Brant count midweek only to be dashed
the next morning by someone releasing birds into the field.  This species is
now considered extirpated in the HSA unless this population could get going
and sustain itself at some point.  There were a few good birds around.  The
female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE was seen again at the end of Grays Road last week.
There have been no reports this week but perhaps nobody was looking.  A
great find was an EASTERN PHOEBE at Courtcliffe Park in Carlisle.  The bird
has not been reported since it was found last Thursday but the weather
turned cold and any open water would have frozen up so this bird may be hard
to find.  A FIELD SPARROW was found with a flock of Tree Sparrows on 5th
Road East at the SW corner of the Vinemount Swamp on January 15th.  Lastly
our wintering WILSONS WARBLER and RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET duo is doing well at
Sedgewick Park in Oakville, being seen around the tanks and the woods on the
east side.  

In the odds and sods this week, Cackling Geese were seen amongst the
hundreds of Canada Geese down at Bronte Beach yesterday.  One was seen over
the South Service Road near Fifty Point yesterday as well.  Tundra Swans
made a move during the warm air week before last and a group of 8 birds were
seen on 8th Road East in Saltfleet for a few days.  The male Northern
Pintail was seen at LaSalle Marina yesterday.  A Ruffed Grouse made a very
nice addition to a yard list on Monday on Middletown Rd 1 mile south of Hwy
8.  Iceland and Glaucous Gulls can be found in the Harbour.  A good place to
look is Pier 4 park in Hamilton.  An adult and juvenile Glaucous gull were
seen on the Hamilton side of the ship canal.  A single Turkey Vulture was
seen over the 403 just before Hwy 6 on Sunday.  A Golden Eagle was a nice
sighting at Glen Morris Rail Trail Parking lot on Monday.  An adult Bald
Eagle was circling over the QEW last Sunday at the junction to Niagara.  One
or possibly two Snowy Owls have showed up around Bronte Harbour/Suncor Pier
in Oakville.  A single Short-eared Owl made an appearance on 10th Road East
at the tracks along the Dofasco trail.  A Northern Shrike is back wintering
here and another is still present at the Gates of Heaven Cemetery.  Birds
seen along with the Wilsons and Ruby-crowned at Sedgewick include Hermit
Thrush, Brown Creeper and Winter Wren.  Another Winter Wren was seen at
LaSalle Park yesterday.  The number of Bluebirds has decreased at Gates of
Heaven Cemetery but can still be found.  Horned Larks and Snow Buntings seem
to be arriving with flocks seen on Fallsview Road near Dyments farm and
along Glen Morris Road.  A wintering Chipping Sparrow is still coming into
seed at Woodland Cemetery and lastly two male Brown-headed Cowbirds were
also seen along Fallsview Road.

That's the news for this past two weeks.  Please send along your sightings
along to keep us going till spring.

Good birding,
Cheryl Edgecombe

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