I should add that a strategy of “let’s avoid fee pressure as much as possible. 
let’s avoid even thinking about how we’ll transition as much as possible.” 
strikes me as at least a tad bit myopic.

- Eric Lombrozo

> On Jun 26, 2015, at 7:18 PM, Eric Lombrozo <elombr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I’ve been pondering this whole scale issue considerably…and am left with the 
> conclusion that blockchains are ultimately dispute resolution mechanisms. The 
> vast majority of crypto negotiation will be taking place at levels lesser 
> than global consensus in the future - global consensus is just far too 
> expensive to require for every single cappuccino. There really is little need 
> to take most cases globally…unless the participants disagree. I’ve commented 
> in other places that blockchains are essentially a “fix” to the prisoner’s 
> dilemma - they make cooperation the equilibrium strategy.
> Regardless of whatever linear factor we scale the blockchain by, it is simple 
> math to see that any exponential growth (even if for a short time) in usage 
> will overwhelm the current network. If we ever intend to take bitcoin 
> mainstream, we will most likely experience at least a short time of 
> exponential growth…at least until we either reach an inherent limitation or 
> until we saturate. As Pieter said earlier, FAPP right now the demand for 
> payments might as well be infinite. We’re nowhere near the ability to service 
> it all.
> The block size issue is really a usability issue at this point. There are two 
> fundamental things we need to solve:
> 1) There’s no model for how we’ll introduce a fee market, even though the 
> design of Bitcoin fundamentally depends on fees for its survival (at least in 
> the current form of the design.)
> 2) There’s no mechanism for how to perform fee bidding and estimation. Most 
> wallets simply have no way to do this without serious usability problems.
> If we’re going to talk about block fees, let’s keep it in the context of 
> these relevant issues and not confound it with the scalability issue…these 
> are two very different issues.
> - Eric Lombrozo
>> On Jun 26, 2015, at 1:44 PM, Owen Gunden <ogun...@phauna.org> wrote:
>> On 06/26/2015 02:23 PM, Jeff Garzik wrote:
>>> Failure to plan now for a hard fork increase 6(?) months in the future
>>> produces that lumpy, unpredictable market behavior.
>>> The market has baked in the years-long behavior of low fees.  From the
>>> market PoV, inaction does lead to precisely that, a sudden change over
>>> the span of a few months.
>> Which market participants are you referring to?
>> I entered the bitcoin market with open eyes, aware that it faces hard 
>> scalability challenges by design. I was also aware that because of these 
>> challenges, eventually transaction fees would have to rise.
>> Nevertheless, I made the decision to invest because of the utility I gain 
>> from the anti-censorship, privacy, control, store of value, and security 
>> aspects of bitcoin -- many of which stem from decentralization, which others 
>> have demonstrated to be linked to the block size.
>> On the other hand, there are undoubtedly other market participants who heard 
>> hype about "zero fee transactions to anywhere in the world", believed it 
>> would scale, and made (mal)investments as a result.
>> As for how many market participants of each flavor, and how deep their 
>> respective pockets, who knows? My experience in markets has lead me to 
>> realize that it's never wise to assume I know what "the market" does and 
>> doesn't know. If Jeff Garzik is right about what the market has priced in, 
>> then yes, filled blocks will be rocking the boat. But who's to say that the 
>> smartest, biggest investors and traders don't already see this scaling 
>> problem, and have already priced it in? In this case, a sudden large 
>> increase in the block size is actually rocking the boat. The point is, you 
>> can't know either way, so trying to pre-empt the market in this way is 
>> erroneous.
>> Regarding entrepreneurial investment specifically, why should we favor the 
>> entrepreneurs who require a more centralized bitcoin over those who were 
>> more considerate of the possibility of rising transaction fees when making 
>> their business models?
>> In my mind, we should favor neither, which is why I'm basically in agreement 
>> with Pieter that this sense of "emergency" shouldn't really be a part of the 
>> debate.
>> Not that I'm taking a stand on the specific block size issue either way. I 
>> just think this particular line of reasoning (presupposing what information 
>> the market has and has not already baked in) is unsound.
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