On 8/20/2015 3:23 AM, Milly Bitcoin via bitcoin-dev wrote:
For the 73th time or so this month on this list:

The maximum block size consensus rule limits mining centralization
(which is currently pretty bad).

Instead of posting all these messages with bald claims why don't you work on a decentralization metric which you can point to? (instead of trying to claim people don't understand things which is clearly not the case, You are just attacking people you don't agree with).

Pieter built a nice simulation tool and posted some results.

I tweaked the parameters and ran the tool in a way that tested ONLY for hashrate centralization effects, and did not conflate these with network partitioning effects.

I found that small miners were not at all disadvantaged by large blocks.

The only person who commented on this result agreed with me. He also complimented Pieter's insight (which is entirely appropriate since Pieter did the hard work of creating the tool).


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