Thank you all for the insightful feedback, on list, in private and on various 
social media platforms. I have extended the generalized proposal which extends 
BIP9. This basically introduces an extra workflow state if activationtime > 
starttime and < timeout - 1 month. It allows extra business logic to be added, 
such as requiring mandatory signalling.

Please find the draft here:

<pre> BIP: bip-uaversionbits-strong Title: Version bits extension with 
mandatory activation Author: Shaolin Fry <> 
Comments-Summary: No comments yet. Comments-URI: Status: Draft Type: 
Informational Created: 2017-03-09 License: BSD-3-Clause CC0-1.0 </pre> 
==Abstract== This document specifies an extension to BIP9 that introduces an 
additional activation parameter to deploy backward-compatible changes (further 
called "soft forks") to be activated by a deadline. ==Motivation== BIP9 
introduced a mechanism for doing parallel soft forking deployments based on 
repurposing the block nVersion field. Activation is dependent on near unanimous 
hashrate signalling which may be impractical and is also subject to veto by a 
small minority of non-signalling hashrate. This specification provides an way 
for full nodes to coordinate syncronized activation based on a median past time 
using the BIP9 state machine. Hashrate may optionally trigger activation before 
the user defined activation sequence triggers. ==Specification== This 
specification adds a new per-chain deployment parameter to the existing BIP9 
specification as follows: # The '''activationtime''' specifies a minimum median 
time past of a block at which the deployment should transition to the locked-in 
state. This specification adds a new workflow state, '''PRE_LOCK_IN''' to the 
BIP9 state machine if the deployment '''activationtime''' is greater than zero 
when the workflow will be '''DEFINED''' -> '''STARTED''' -> '''PRE_LOCK_IN''' 
-> '''LOCKED_IN''' -> '''ACTIVE'''. The '''PRE_LOCK_IN''' phase allows optional 
per deployment processing, e.g. mandatory signalling. ===Selection 
guidelines=== The following guidelines are suggested for selecting these 
parameters for a soft fork: # '''activationtime''' should be set to some date 
in the future and must be less than the BIP9 '''timeout'''. It is recommended 
to have an activation time of 1 year minus 30 days (28944000 seconds). The 
'''activationtime''' cannot be less than 30 days before the '''timeout'''. 
===State transitions=== The state transition workflow is exactly the same as in 
BIP9 except when '''activationtime''' is greater than zero. Then the workflow 
will be '''DEFINED''' -> '''STARTED''' -> '''PRE_LOCK_IN''' -> '''LOCKED_IN''' 
-> '''ACTIVE'''. When in the STARTED state if the median time past is greater 
than or equal to the '''activationtime''' then the state will transition to 
PRE_LOCK_IN on the next retarget after '''activationtime'''. case STARTED: // 
Transition to THRESHOLD_PRE_LOCK_IN if mandatory activation is set if 
((nActivationTime != 0) && pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast() >= nActivationTime) 
{ stateNext = THRESHOLD_PRE_LOCK_IN; break; } // BIP9 specification follows if 
(GetMedianTimePast(block.parent) >= timeout) { return FAILED; } int count = 0; 
walk = block; for (i = 0; i < 2016; i++) { walk = walk.parent; if 
(walk.nVersion & 0xE0000000 == 0x20000000 && (walk.nVersion >> bit) & 1 == 1) { 
count++; } } if (count >= threshold) { return LOCKED_IN; } return STARTED; === 
Reference implementation ===
 ==== Optional mandatory signalling ==== <pre> /** * Return true if nVersion 
BIP9 deployment is signalling during * mandatory periods. */ bool 
IsMandatorySignalling(int32_t nVersion, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos, const 
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params& params) { // Check the 
deployment is in the correct state for this check to apply. if 
(!((VersionBitsState(pindexPrev, params, pos, versionbitscache) == 
THRESHOLD_PRE_LOCK_IN) || (VersionBitsState(pindexPrev, params, pos, 
versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_LOCKED_IN))) return true; // return signalling 
state return (((nVersion & VERSIONBITS_TOP_MASK) == VERSIONBITS_TOP_BITS) && 
(nVersion & VersionBitsMask(params, pos)) != 0); } // segwit signalling is 
mandatory during PRE_LOCK_IN and LOCKED_IN phase if 
(!IsMandatorySignalling(block.nVersion, Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_EXAMPLE, 
pindexPrev, consensusParams)) return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_OBSOLETE, 
strprintf("bad-version(0x%08x)", block.nVersion), strprintf("rejected 
nVersion=0x%08x block, must upgrade", block.nVersion)); </pre> ==Deployments== 
A living list of deployment proposals can be found 
[[bip-0009/assignments.mediawiki|here]]. ==Copyright== This document is placed 
in the public domain.
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