On 09/15/2017 01:40 PM, Simone Bronzini wrote:
> Since a soft-fork is a restriction of the consensus rules, I think the
> only way to have an un-soft-forkable cryptocurrency is creating a
> cryptocurrency where no transaction is valid.
> Imagine I build a very minimal cryptocurrency where in the transaction
> output you only indicate the public key to send your coins to and the
> amount. One can still soft-fork it by deciding that, from now on, only
> even amounts are valid or only public keys that are a multiple of 10 are
> valid.

sure, but in this scenario how would one meaningfully "upgrade" the
functionality, eg add a new opcode?  We couldn't, right?  so....
success!   Preventing new functionality is the primary goal of this
thought experiment.  I believe that common sense and market incentives
would prevent arbitrary tightening of the rules for no good reason...

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