> On 22 Dec 2018, at 10:25 PM, ZmnSCPxj <zmnsc...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning Johnson,
>> Generally speaking, I think walletless protocol is needed only when you want 
>> to rely a third party to open a offchain smart contract. It could be 
>> coinswap, eltoo, or anything similar.
> I think a third party would be pointless in general, but then I am strongly 
> against custodiality.
> The idea is that you have some kind of hardware wallet or similar "somewhat 
> cold" storage *that you control yourself*, and crate channels for your hot 
> offchain Lightning wallet, without adding more transactions from your 
> somewhat-cold storage to your hot offchain Lightning wallet on the blockchain.
> Then you could feed a set of addresses to the hot offchain wallet (addresses 
> your somewhat-cold storage controls) so that when channels are closed, the 
> funds go to your somwhat-cold storage.
> I also doubt that any custodial service would want to mess around with 
> deducting funds from what the user input as the desired payment.  I have not 
> seen a custodial service that does so (this is not a scientific study; I 
> rarely use custodial services); custodial services will deduct more from your 
> balance than what you send, but will not modify what you send, and will 
> prevent you from sending more than your balance minus the fees they charge 
> for sending onchain.
> Even today, custodial services deducting from your sent value (rather than 
> the balance remaining after you send) would be problematic when interacting 
> with merchants (or their payment processors) accepting onchain payments; the 
> merchant would refuse to service a lower value than what it charges and it 
> may be very technically difficult to recover such funds from the merchant.
> I expect such a custodial service would quickly lose users, but the world 
> surprises me often.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj

If the users are expected to manually operate a hardware wallet to fund the 
channel, they might do stupid things like using 2 wallets to make 2 txs, 
thinking that they could combine the values this way; or “refilling” the 
offchain wallet with the address, as you suggested. While I appreciate the goal 
to separate the coin-selecting wallet with the offchain wallet, I am not sure 
if we should rely on users to do critical steps like entering the right value 
or not reusing the address. Especially, the setup address should be hidden from 
user’s view, so only a very few “intelligent advanced users" could try to 
refill the channel.

If we don’t rely on the user as the bridge between the hardware wallet and the 
offchain wallet, we need a communication protocol between them. With such 
protocol, there is no need to spend the setup TXO with NOINPUT.
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