Johnson's modification solves the issue I pointed out.

Moreover, as Johnson and I discussed in private, using different locktimes for
X and Y is not necessary. They can have the same relative locktime. If A and B
would only sign Y as soon as the update tx is confirmed, there is no risk of Y
changing its txid and therefore invalidating updates built on it.

On 2/9/19 10:15 AM, Johnson Lau wrote:
> This is really interesting. If I get it correctly, I think the fungibility 
> hit could be avoided, just by making one more signature, and not affecting 
> the blockchain space usage.
> Just some terminology first. In a 3-party channel, “main channel” means the 
> one requires all parties to update, and “branch channel” requires only 2 
> parties to update.
> By what you describe, I think the most realistic scenario is “C is going to 
> offline soon, and may or may not return. So the group wants to keep the main 
> channel open, and create a branch channel for A and B, during the absence of 
> C”. I guess this is what you mean by being able to "predict in advance who 
> will become absent”
> I call this process as “semi-cooperative channel closing” (SCCC). During a 
> SCCC, the settlement tx will have 2 outputs: one as (A & B), one as (C). 
> Therefore, a branch channel could be opened with the (A & B) output. The 
> channel opening must use NOINPUT signature, since we don’t know the txid of 
> the settlement tx. With the output tagging requirement, (A & B) must be 
> tagged, and lead to the fungibility loss you described.
> However, it is possible to make 2 settlement txs during SCCC. Outputs of the 
> settlement tx X are tagged(A&B) and C. Outputs of the settlement tx Y are 
> untagged(A&B) and C. Both X and Y are BIP68 relative-time-locked, but Y has a 
> longer time lock.
> The branch channel is opened on top of the tagged output of tx X. If A and B 
> want to close the channel without C, they need to publish the last update tx 
> of the main channel. Once the update tx is confirmed, its txid becomes 
> permanent, so are the txids of X and Y. If A and B decide to close the 
> channel cooperatively, they could do it on top of the untagged output of tx 
> Y, without using NOINPUT. There won’t be any fungibility loss. Other people 
> will only see the uncooperative closing of the main channel, and couldn’t 
> even tell the number of parties in the main channel. Unfortunately, the 
> unusual long lock time of Y might still tell something.
> If anything goes wrong, A or B could publish X before the lock time of Y, and 
> settle it through the usual eltoo style. Since this is an uncooperative 
> closing anyway, the extra fungibility loss due to tagging is next to nothing. 
> However, it may suggest that the main channel was a multi-party one.
> For C, the last update tx of the main channel and the settlement tx Y are the 
> only things he needs to get the money back. C has to sign tx X, but he 
> shouldn’t get the complete tx X. Otherwise, C might have an incentive to 
> publish X in order to get the money back earlier, at the cost of fungibility 
> loss of the branch channel.
> To minimise the fungibility loss, we’d better make it a social norm: if you 
> sign your tx with NOINPUT, always try to make all outputs tagged to be 
> NOINPUT-spendable. (NOTE: you can still spend tagged outputs with normal 
> signatures, so this won’t permanently taint your coins as NOINPUT-spendable) 
> It makes sense because the use of NOINPUT signature strongly suggests that 
> you don’t know the txid of the parent tx, so you may most likely want your 
> outputs to be NOINPUT-spendable as well. I thought of making this a policy or 
> consensus rule, but may be it’s just overkill.
>> On 9 Feb 2019, at 3:01 AM, Jonas Nick <> wrote:
>> Output tagging may result in reduced fungibility in multiparty eltoo 
>> channels.
>> If one party is unresponsive, the remaining participants want to remove
>> the party from the channel without downtime. This is possible by creating
>> settlement transactions which pay off the unresponsive party and fund a new
>> channel with the remaining participants.
>> When the party becomes unresponsive, the channel is closed by broadcasting 
>> the
>> update transaction as usual. As soon as that happens the remaining
>> participants can start to update their new channel. Their update signatures
>> must use SIGHASH_NOINPUT. This is because in eltoo the settlement txid is not
>> final (because update tx is not confirmed and may have to rebind to another
>> output). Therefore, the funding output of the new channel must be NOINPUT
>> tagged. Assuming the remaining parties later settle cooperatively, this loss
>> of fungibility would not have happened without output tagging.
>> funding output          update output                                    
>> settlement outputs              update output
>> [ A & B & C ] -> ... -> [ (A & B & C & state CLTV) | (As & Bs & Cs) ] -> [ 
>> NOINPUT tagged: (A' & B'), -> ...
>>                                                                           C' 
>> ]
>> If the expectation is that the unresponsive party returns, fungibility is
>> not reduced due to output tagging because the above scheme can be used
>> off-chain until the original channel can be continued.
>> Side note: I was not able to come up with an similar, eltoo-like protocol 
>> that works
>> if you can't predict in advance who will become absent.
>> On 12/13/18 12:32 PM, Johnson Lau via bitcoin-dev wrote:
>>> NOINPUT is very powerful, but the tradeoff is the risks of signature 
>>> replay. While the key holders are expected not to reuse key pair, little 
>>> could be done to stop payers to reuse an address. Unfortunately, key-pair 
>>> reuse has been a social and technical norm since the creation of Bitcoin 
>>> (the first tx made in block 170 reused the previous public key). I don’t 
>>> see any hope to change this norm any time soon, if possible at all.
>>> As the people who are designing the layer-1 protocol, we could always blame 
>>> the payer and/or payee for their stupidity, just like those people laughed 
>>> at victims of Ethereum dumb contracts (DAO, Parity multisig, etc). The 
>>> existing bitcoin script language is so restrictive. It disallows many 
>>> useful smart contracts, but at the same time prevented many dumb contracts. 
>>> After all, “smart” and “dumb” are non-technical judgement. The DAO contract 
>>> has always been faithfully executed. It’s dumb only for those invested in 
>>> the project. For me, it was just a comedy show.
>>> So NOINPUT brings us more smart contract capacity, and at the same time we 
>>> are one step closer to dumb contracts. The target is to find a design that 
>>> exactly enables the smart contracts we want, while minimising the risks of 
>>> misuse.
>>> The risk I am trying to mitigate is a payer mistakenly pay to a previous 
>>> address with the exactly same amount, and the previous UTXO has been spent 
>>> using NOINPUT. Accidental double payment is not uncommon. Even if the payee 
>>> was honest and willing to refund, the money might have been spent with a 
>>> replayed NOINPUT signature. Once people lost a significant amount of money 
>>> this way, payers (mostly exchanges) may refuse to send money to anything 
>>> other than P2PKH, native-P2WPKH and native-P2WSH (as the only 3 types 
>>> without possibility of NOINPUT)
>>> The proposed solution is that an output must be “tagged” for it to be 
>>> spendable with NOINPUT, and the “tag” must be made explicitly by the payer. 
>>> There are 2 possible ways to do the tagging:
>>> 1. A certain bit in the tx version must be set
>>> 2. A certain bit in the scriptPubKey must be set
>>> I will analyse the pros and cons later.
>>> Using eltoo as example. The setup utxo is a simple 2-of-2 multisig, and 
>>> should not be tagged. This makes it indistinguishable from normal 1-of-1 
>>> utxo. The trigger tx, which spends the setup utxo, should be tagged, so the 
>>> update txs could spend the trigger utxo with NOINPUT. Similarly, all update 
>>> txs should be tagged, so they could be spent by other update txs and 
>>> settlement tx with NOINPUT. As the final destination, there is no need to 
>>> tag in the settlement tx.
>>> In payer’s perspective, tagging means “I believe this address is for 
>>> one-time-use only” Since we can’t control how other people manage their 
>>> addresses, we should never do tagging when paying to other people.
>>> I mentioned 2 ways of tagging, and they have pros and cons. First of all, 
>>> tagging in either way should not complicate the eltoo protocol in anyway, 
>>> nor bring extra block space overhead.
>>> A clear advantage of tagging with scriptPubKey is we could tag on a 
>>> per-output basis. However, scriptPubKey tagging is only possible with 
>>> native-segwit, not P2SH. That means we have to disallow NOINPUT in 
>>> P2SH-segwit (Otherwise, *all* P2SH addresses would become “risky” for 
>>> payers) This should be ok for eltoo, since it has no reason to use 
>>> P2SH-segwit in intermediate txs, which is more expensive.
>>> Another problem with scriptPubKey tagging is all the existing bech32 
>>> implementations will not understand the special tag, and will pay to a 
>>> tagged address as usual. An upgrade would be needed for them to refuse 
>>> sending to tagged addresses by default.
>>> On the other hand, tagging with tx version will also protect P2SH-segwit, 
>>> and all existing wallets are protected by default. However, it is somewhat 
>>> a layer violation and you could only tag all or none output in the same tx. 
>>> Also, as Bitcoin Core has just removed the tx version from the UTXO 
>>> database, adding it back could be a little bit annoying, but doable.
>>> There is an extension to the version tagging, which could make NOINPUT even 
>>> safer. In addition to tagging requirement, NOINPUT will also sign the 
>>> version of the previous tx. If the wallet always uses a randomised tx 
>>> version, it makes accidental replay very unlikely. However, that will burn 
>>> a few more bits in the tx version field.
>>> While this seems fully compatible with eltoo, is there any other proposals 
>>> require NOINPUT, and is adversely affected by either way of tagging?
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