Good mornint Peter,

> > > Wouldn’t a revealed private key for time locked funds create a race
> > > to spend? I imagine miners who are paying attention would have the
> > > advantage but it would still just be a race.
> >
> > If Bitcoin had implemented RBF "properly" (i.e. not have the silly
> > "opt-out" rule) then such races are won by bidding up the fees. A
> Note that CSV using transactions are always RBF as CSV disables the opt-out.

Thank you for this information.
I forgot that RBF opt-out was hacked on top of `nSequence`, and relative 
timelocks were also hacked on top of `nSequence`.
In particular coins locked on mainchain for the purpose of staking a sidechain 
(mainstake) have to be locked with an `OP_CSV`, which immediately enables this 

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