Good morning Tejaswi,

> > So it looks to me that scorched-earth is a possible mitigation against this 
> > attack.
> I don't follow this. We show that a reasonable value of fees and timelock are 
> enough to avoid the attack. Why scorch the earth?

Because your model only considers that a block might have only 0 or 1 
transactions, and there is no such thing as a mempool containing alternative, 
fee-paying transactions that the miner could include *instead*.

In reality, what a miner can earn from adding Alice transaction is the 
*difference* between the Alice transaction fee and the transaction that *just* 
misses getting included in the block because of feerate.

Thus, the f will not, in fact, *quite* be the Alice fee, but instead less than 

Indeed if the Alice transaction fee is lower than the top 4 Mweight 
transactions in the mempool, the miner would be *losing* funds by including the 
Alice transaction.

My understanding is that we expect mempools to eventually never empty, as the 
block subsidy reduces over time, thus the payoff f for including the Alice 
transaction *instead of* some other transaction will be less than the Alice fee.

This effect also holds for Bob, but we can probably expect, all things being 
equal, that approximately the same value will be deducted from both the Bob 
bribe and Alice fee by the mempool effect.
Thus the ratio should really be (f - x) / (b - x), where x is the 
At fee spikes, this x will go higher, and thus (f - x) / (b - x) will be far 
smaller than f / b and might even become negative, in which case the Alice 
transaction will not be confirmed even by myopic miners, because the Alice 
transaction will be below the top 4Mweight transactions in the mempool.

So it seems to me reasonable to use a *gradual* scorched earth policy, as it is 
not only resilient against this attack, but also to fee spikes.
Alice starts at the 1% reserve, then for every block that goes by, bumps up the 
Then Alice will settle at an (f - x) / (b - x) level that achieves the least 
weak miner that is known to run the myopic strategy.

I believe this is also better for UX --- people already accept that during high 
fee spikes, they end up paying more for onchain activities.
But boosting up `to_self_delay` is bad because it makes honest unilateral 
closes take longer, and we already get frownie faces from users about this 
By using a gradual scorched-earth strategy we can start at the reserve level, 
and if we are not under attack and there is no fee spike, do not lose anything 
other than the reserve funds of the thief (which is not ours, but is instead 
that of the thief).
But if an attack happens during a fee spike, then even though we retain our 
current default `to_self_delay` of 144, we still have the ability to gradually 
and automatically move to higher fee regions until our transaction confirms, 
and we have a good excuse for it to present to users: "a fee spike was 
happening at the time, so you had to pay some extra miner fees".


And since you and your paper openly discusses it anyway, I would like to reveal 
that the MAD-HTLC argument does not apply to *just* HTLCs.
You make recommendations about `to_self_delay` and `channel_reserve_satoshis`, 
which are not parameters of Lightning HTLCs (those are stuff like `cltv_delta` 
and `final_cltv`), but are channel parameters.

The MAD-HTLC argument applies just as well to channel mechanisms themselves, 
***independently of*** any HTLCs they transport.

The MAD-HTLC paper has the following core argument:

* We currently assume that currently-valid transactions will inevitably 
supersede alternate transactions that are valid at a later block height, simply 
because of the time advantage.
  * However, the owner of a later-block-height transaction can bribe miners to 
defer confirmation of currently-valid transactions, until its 
later-block-height transaction is valid and confirms.

The above core argument is presented as applying to HTLCs.

However, the same argument actually **also** applies to all current offchain 
multiparticipant cryptocurrency systems (i.e. "channel mechanisms").

* Spilman
* Poon-Dryja (what we currently use in Lightning)
* Decker-Wattenhofer decrementing-`nSequence`
* Decker-Russell-Osuntokun

The [Khabbazian-Nadahalli-Wattenhofer "Timelocked Bribing" 
paper]( mentions the use of revoked 
transactions in a Poon-Dryja mechanism, but seems to imply that the issue is 
with the HTLC instantiated inside the revoked transaction.
But note that the paper describes recommendations for the `to_self_delay` 
parameter and also analyzes the `channel_reserve_satoshis` parameter, which are 
parameters of the ***Poon-Dryja*** mechanism, and **not** of the HTLCs 
instantiated inside it.

So, to be very clear, the MAD-HTLC argument applies to all the above mechanisms 
*even if HTLCs are not used at all*.
Or put another way, if you use a modern offchain updateable cryptocurrency 
system at all, you are still vulnerable to the MAD-HTLC argument even if you 
never instantiate HTLCs inside the offchain system.

Thus, other proposed systems that (could) use any of the channel mechanisms, 
but do ***not*** necessarily use HTLCs, such as CoinPools, channel factories, 
and statechains, are also vulnerable to the MAD-HTLC argument.

In particular, if the MAD-HTLC argument holds, we should take note that e.g. 
Lightning channels have to be at least as large as any HTLC they contain, and 
since the MAD-HTLC argument applies to the channel itself (in addition to any 
HTLCs they contain), the application of that argument implies greater loss, as 
it is the entire channel that is at risk, not just any HTLCs it might contain.


A Spilman channel is a unidirectional single-funded channel.

The overall idea was presented pre-SegWit, and needed `OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY` 
to be malleation-safe.
I will describe here a modernized version that uses SegWit (and thus is 
malleation safe) instead.

Suppose Bob wishes to make a Spilman channel to Alice.
The setup is as follows:

* Bob creates but does *NOT* sign a funding transaction, paying out to a 2-of-2 
between Alice and Bob, and hands over this txid and the output number to Alice.
* Alice creates a timeout transaction, `nLockTime`d to a pre-agreed locktime, 
spending the above txout, and returning the funds to Bob, and signs this 
transaction and hands over the signature and tx to Bob.
* Bob signs the funding transaction and broadcasts it.
* Alice and Bob wait for deep confirmation of the funding tx.

At each payment from Bob to Alice, Bob signs a non-`nLockTime`d (or one with 
current blockheight) transaction that spends the funding txout and assigns more 
of the fund to Alice, then sends the signature and tx to Alice.

At any time, Alice can unilaterally close the channel using any of the 
signatures given by Bob.
Rationally, it will publish the one that gives it the most money, which is the 
latest such transaction, thus leading to the unidirectional nature of Spilman 
Alice needs to perform this unilateral close far before the pre-agreed locktime.

Under the MAD-HTLC argument, Bob can bribe miners to ignore the Alice 
unilateral close transaction, and the initial timeout transaction by Bob gets 
confirmed even if within the channel mechanism Alice is supposed to own most or 
all of the funds.


A Poon-Dryja channel is a modern two-participant bidirectional channel.

The core of security of Poon-Dryja involves "revocable outputs".
A revocable output is an output that, when published onchain, is owned by one 
entity (the owner), but that entity may reveal a secret, the revocation secret, 
to another entity (the revoker).
Once that other entity knows the revocation secret, if the output is ever 
published onchain, it can revoke the output and claim its value.

Poon-Dryja uses this building block to implement an updateable state.
All states are represented by commitment transactions that have revocable 
In order to advance to a new state, the revocable outputs of previous states 
are revoked by exchanging revocation secrets.
Thus, the security of Poon-Dryja is dependent on the correct operation of 

Revocable outputs are implemented by imposing a relative locktime on the owner 
of the output, and requiring knowledge of two secrets from the revoker.

Thus, a revocable output has two branches:

* Revocation branch: with the revoker privkey and knowledge of a revocaation 
secret, the revoker can claim the fund immediately.
* Claim branch: with the owner privkey and a relative locktime, the owner can 
claim the fund after a pre-agreed number of blocks (`to_self_delay` in 
Lightning) since the output is confirmed onchain.

Under the MAD-HTLC argument, the owner of the revoked output can bribe miners 
to ignore attempts by the revoker to claim the funds until the claim branch is 
valid and confirmable.
Thus, a thief can publish old state, then apply the MAD-HTLC argument to get 
miners to ignore the revoker of the old state.

Decker-Wattenhofer decrementing-`nSequence`

Decker-Wattenhofer ("Duplex Micropayment Channels") is a modern 
multi-participant (N >= 2) offchain updateable cryptocurrency mechanism.

Decker-Wattenhofer chains together two different mechanisms, embedding them one 
inside the other, in order to balance the tradeoffs of one with the tradeoffs 
of the other.

* One or more decrementing-`nSequence` mechanisms, chained one inside the other.
* Two ("duplex") unidirectional Spilman variants, using a relative locktime 
instead of an absolute locktime, one in both directions of the channel, inside 
the innermost decrementing-`nSequence` mechanism.

The decrementing-`nSequence` mechanisms by themselves are multiparticipant (N 
>= 2), and if we focus only on having one or more of these mechanisms chained 
together, we can consider Decker-Wattenhofer as multiparticipant.

In the decrementing-`nSequence` mechanism, there is a kickoff transaction which 
spends from the n-of-n funding outpoint, and sends it to yet another n-of-n 
output between the participants.
Then, the second n-of-n is spent by a transaction with a relative-locktime 
`nSequence` transaction, which then distributes the money among various 

When a new state is created, the participants create and sign a new 
relative-locktime `nSequence` transaction spending the kickoff n-of-n outpoint.
The new state transaction has a lower `nSequence` than the most previous state 
transaction, hence decrementing-`nSequence`.
Once the latest state transaction has a 0-block relative locktime, a newer 
state can no longer be added to the mechanism.

The kickoff n-of-n outpoint thus has multiple branches, one for each created 
The most recent state is assumed to supersede previous states, because it has 
the smallest relative locktime among all states.

Under the MAD-HTLC argument, a participant which prefers an older state can 
bribe miners to defer confirmation of all more recent states.
Thus, that participant can publish the kickoff and bribe miners to defer more 
recent states until its preferred state is confirmable onchain.


Decker-Russell-Osuntokun ("eltoo") is a futuristic multiparticipant (N >= 2) 
offchain updateable cryptocurrency system.

Decker-Russell-Osuntokun uses a proposed new `SIGHASH_NOINPUT` flag, which does 
not commit to the specific output being spent, allowing a signature that signs 
using `SIGHASH_NOINPUT` to be used to spend a different transaction outpoint, 
as long as the same pubkey is used for that outpoint.

As is typical for channel mechanisms, a funding outpoint is created, which is 
an n-of-n of all participants.
The funding outpoint is spent by an update transaction with a single output, 
which has the following branches:

* Update branch: can be spent by the same n-of-n pubkeys as the funding 
outpoint, as long as the spending transaction has a higher `nLockTime` than the 
update transaction.
* State branch: can be spent by a different n-of-n pubkeys from the same 
participants, after a relative locktime.
  * Each update transaction has its own unique set of n-of-n pubkeys for the 
state branch, given by the same participant set.

Of note is that the `nLockTime` used in Decker-Russell-Osuntokun are always 
past `nLockTime`s, so that the update branch is always confirmable at the 
current tip, from now until forever.
Only the state branch has an actual timelock that could prevent immediate 
confirmation of a transaction spending that branch.

Update transactions (awesomely mis)use `nLockTime` as a sequence number; the 
first update transaction has the lowest `nLockTime`, then each succeeding 
update transaction has a higher `nLockTime`, until they reach the present time.

Update transactions are signed with `SIGHASH_NOINPUT`.
This allows the update transaction to not only spend the funding outpoint 
itself, but also to spend any previous update transaction.

Thus, if an old update transaction is published onchain, its output can be 
re-spent by any newer update transaction before the state transaction for that 
update can come into play.
Any other participant who notices this event can simply publish the newest 
update transaction it knows, as that would supersede the state transaction, 
which can only be confirmed after a time delay.

Under the MAD-HTLC argument, a participant who prefers an older state can 
publish the update transaction for the older state, then bribe miners to defer 
confirmation of newer update transactions, until the state transaction for that 
update transaction can be confirmed.


All the above mechanisms use a timelock, and implicitly have the assumption 
that "a transaction, that can be confirmed now, supersedes any transaction that 
has a timelock that forces it to be confirmed later".

It seems likely to me that even future mechanisms will use the same assumption 
as well.

In particular, many proposed mechanisms for non-federated sidechains often 
include some kind of delay between when a sidechain coin is burned and the 
corresponding mainchain coin is released (i.e. side-to-main peg).
Often, this delay exists in order to allow showing of a counterproof that the 
supposed side-to-main transfer did not actually exist in the sidechain (or was 
later reorged out, or whatever).
It seems to me that the MAD-HTLC argument would also apply to such mechanisms 
(if anyone still wants to go push sidechains, anyway).

Thus, we really need to carefully investigate the MAD-HTLC argument.

My current analysis suggests that in practice, the MAD-HTLC argument does not 
apply at all (else I would not be revealing that all channel mechanisms are 
broken **if** the MAD-HTLC argument *does* apply), since the myopic strategy 
seems to be pretty much inevitably dominant at stable states.
But it would still be best to investigate further until we are fully convinced 
that the MAD-HTLC argument ("'earlier supersedes later' might be falsified by 
bribery") does not apply.

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