Good morning Prayank,

I believe a "true" full-RBF wallet should be what every onchain wallet aspires 

However, I think a lot of the effort necessary here has to do with sheer 
engineering issues.

For example, if you think "RBF does not exist", you can do things like:

* Spend an unconfirmed input from a third party.
  * This is not actually safe since an unconfirmed tx might have a conflicting 
transaction get confirmed, but a lot of onchain wallets support this for 
non-RBF unconfirmed inputs because 99.9% of the time this never happens.
* When you spend from a (confirmed or unconfirmed) input, delete it from your 
db forever (because you do not have to worry about alternate transactions 
spending the same input).
  * This simplifies db design, you do not have to keep track of states like 
"has been spent but tx is not confirmed yet", "has two different alternate 
transactions spending it that have not confirmed", "is on a transaction that is 
not confirmed and therefore this input might disappear completely" etc.

In particular, if we want a "true" full-RBF wallet:

* Suppose the user wants to spend some amount to address A.
  * The user imposes a limit on up to how much to spend on fees to have this 
spend happen.
* The wallet optimistically creates a low-fee send transaction.
* After some time, the wallet bumps up the fee by creating a new transaction.
  * The wallet keeps bumping up, up to the designated limit, the longer the 
transaction is not confirmed.

Of note is that there is a *race condition* in the above case.
When the wallet is bumping up and constructing a new transaction with higher 
fee, a miner could find a new block that has the old transaction with lower fee.

Now consider the subsequent user story.

* After some time, the user wants to spend another amount to address B.
  * Again the user imposes a limit on how much to spend on fees to have this 
spend happen.
* The wallet RBFs the existing transaction to include the spend to address B.

Again, a race condition can occur --- while the wallet is feebumping a new 
transaction that includes the new output, a random miner can find a new block 
that includes the old transaction.

Thus, the wallet really needs to keep track of any "pending spends" and 
correlate them with actual transactions.

Further, of course it is convenient to be able to spend money even while it is 
But the sender of the unconfirmed input might be using the same software as 
this wallet as well, meaning that the actual transaction output might change as 
the original spender keeps fee-bumping it over time.

I confess I have not been thinking of this as well as I should have.

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