Good morning yanmaani,

> It's well-known. Nobody really cares, because it's so far off. Not
> possible to do by softfork, no.

I think it is possible by softfork if we try hard enough?

> 1.  The block timestamp may not be lower than the median of the last 11
>     blocks'
> 2.  The block timestamp may not be greater than the current time plus two
>     hours
> 3.  The block timestamp may not be greater than 2^32 (Sun, 07 Feb 2106
>     06:28:16 +0000)

What happens if a series of blocks has a timestamp of 0xFFFFFFFF at the 
appropriate time?

In that case:

1.  Is not violated, since "not lower than" means "greater than or equal to", 
and after a while the median becomes 0xFFFFFFFF and 0xFFFFFFFF == 0xFFFFFFFF
2.  Is not violated, since it would be a past actual real time.
3.  Is not violated since 0xFFFFFFFF < 0x100000000.

In that case, we could then add an additional rule, which is that a 64-bit (or 
128-bit, or 256-bit) timestamp has to be present in the coinbase transaction, 
with similar rules except translated to 64-bit/128-bit/256-bit.

Possibly a similar scheme could be used for `nLockTime`; we could put a 64-bit 
`nLockTime64` in that additional signed block in Taproot SegWit v1 if the 
legacy v`nLockTime` is at the maximum seconds-timelock possible.


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