On 23 May 2022 9:13:43 pm GMT-04:00, Gloria Zhao <gloriajz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you're asking for the package for "D", would a response telling you:
>>   txid_D (500 sat, 100vB)
>>   txid_A (0 sat, 100vB)
>>   txid_B (2000 sat, 100 vB)
>> be better, in that case? Then the receiver can maybe do the logic
>> themselves to figure out that they already have A in their mempool
>> so it's fine, or not?
>Right, I also considered giving the fees and sizes of each transaction in
>the package in “pckginfo1”. But I don’t think that information provides
>additional meaning unless you know the exact topology, i.e. also know if
>the parents have dependency relationships between them. For instance, in
>the {A, B, D} package there, even if you have the information listed, your
>decision should be different depending on whether B spends from A.

I don't think that's true? We already know D is above our fee floor so if B 
with A is also above the floor, we want them all, but also if B isn't above the 
floor, but all of them combined are, then we also do?

If you've got (A,B,C,X) where B spends A and X spends A,B,C where X+C is below 
fee floor while A+B and A+B+C+X are above fee floor you have the problem though.

Is it plausible to add the graph in?


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