Available from: https://github.com/petertodd/bitcoin/tree/full-rbf-v26.0


    git clone -b full-rbf-v26.0 https://github.com/petertodd/bitcoin.git

What is this? It's Bitcoin Core v26.0, with Antoine Riard's full-rbf peering
code, and some additional minor updates to it. This does two things for
full-rbf nodes:

1) Advertises a FULL_RBF service bit when mempoolfullrbf=1 is set.
2) Connects to four additional FULL_RBF peers.

Doing this ensures that a core group of nodes are reliably propagating full-rbf
replacements. We don't need everyone to run this. But it'd be helpful if more
people did.

As for why you should run full-rbf, see my blog post:


I'm already running v26.0 on a few nodes with v2transport=1 enabled. You should

https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org

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