CheckTemplateVerify(1) is a proposed covenant opcode that commits to the
transaction that can spend an output. Namely, # of inputs, # of outputs,
outputs hash, etc. In practice, in many if not most CTV use-cases intended to
allow multiple parties to share a single UTXO, it is difficult to impossible to
allow for sufficient CTV variants to cover all possible fee-rates. It is
expected that CTV would be usually used with anchor outputs to pay fees; by
creating an input of the correct size in a separate transaction and including
it in the CTV-committed transaction; or possibly, via a transaction sponsor

This poses a scalability problem: to be genuinely self-sovereign in a protocol
with reactive security, such as Lightning, you must be able to get transactions
mined within certain deadlines. To do that, you must pay fees. All of the
intended exogenous fee-payment mechanisms for CTV require users to have at
least one UTXO of suitable size to pay for those fees.

This requirement for all users to have a UTXO to pay fees negates the
efficiency of CTV-using UTXO sharing schemes, as in an effort to share a UTXO,
CTV requires each user to have an extra UTXO. The only realistic alternative is
to use a third party to pay for the UTXO, eg via a LN payment, but at that
point it would be more efficient to pay an out-of-band mining fee. That of
course is highly undesirable from a mining centralization perspective.(2)

Recommendations: CTV in its current form be abandoned as design foot-gun. Other
convenant schemes should be designed to work well with replace-by-fee, to avoid
requirements for extra UTXOs, and to maximize on-chain efficiency.


-- 'peter'[:-1]

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