On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:29:57AM +0200, Jan Vornberger wrote:
> Hi there!
> As part of my green address endeavor, I'm currently trying to extend the
> 'gettransaction' call to include an extra field "inputaddresses" which
> should return a list of the Bitcoin addresses associated with the inputs
> of the transaction.

Bitcoin transactions do not have input addresses - they optionally have 
the input coins were last sent to. I understand that being able to have a
'from' address on a transaction is useful in certain cases, but it encourages
using such 'from' addresses to identify transactions - which is imho the wrong
way to go.

As far as your green transactions idea is concerned, maybe we could provide an 
to mark certain addresses as 'trusted', and have an RPC call to request all 
transaction that originate from trusted sources?


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