Le 27/03/2014 12:39, Mike Hearn a écrit :
>     One issue that I have is bandwidth: Electrum (and mycelium) cannot
>     watch as many addresses as they want, because this will create too
>     much traffic on the servers. (especially when servers send utxo merkle
>     proofs for each address, which is not the case yet, but is planned)
> This is surprising and the first time I've heard about this. Surely your
> constraint is CPU or disk seeks? Addresses are small, I find it hard to
> believe that clients uploading them is a big drain, and mostly addresses
> that are in the lookahead region won't have any hits and so won't result
> in any downloads?

To be honest, I have not carried out a comprehensive examination of 
server performance. What I can see is that Electrum servers are often 
slowed down when a wallet with a large number (thousands) of addresses 
shows up, and this is caused by disk seeks (especially on my slow VPS).

The master branch of electrum-server is also quite wasteful in terms of 
CPU, because it uses client threads. I have another branch that uses a 
socket poller, but that branch is not widely deployed yet.

I reckon that I might have been a bit too conservative, in setting the 
number of unused receiving addresses watched by Electrum clients (until 
now, the default "gap limit" has always been 5). The reason is that, if 
I increase that number, then there is no way to go back to a smaller 
value, because it needs to be compatible with all previously released 
versions. However, Electrum servers performance has improved over time, 
so I guess it could safely be raised to 20 (see previous post to slush).

In terms of bandwidth, I am referring to my Android version of Electrum. 
When it runs on a 3G connection, it sometimes takes up to 1 minute to 
synchronize (with a wallet that has hundreds of addresses). However, I 
have not checked if this was caused by addresses or block headers.

>     This constraint is not so important for bloom-filter clients.
> Bloom filters are a neat way to encode addresses and keys but they don't
> magically let clients save bandwidth. A smaller filter results in less
> upload bandwidth but more download (from the wallets perspective). So
> I'm worried if you think this will be an issue for your clients: I
> haven't investigated bandwidth usage deeply yet, perhaps I should.
> FWIW the current bitcoinj HDW alpha preview pre-gens 100 addresses on
> both receive and change branches. But I'm not sure what the right
> setting is.

Heh, may I suggest 20 in the receive branch?

For the change branch, there is no need to watch a large number of 
unused addresses, because the wallet should try to fill all the gaps in 
the sequence of change.

(Electrum does that. It also watches 3 unused addresses at the end of 
that sequence, in order to cope with possible blockchain reorgs causing 
gaps. As an extra safety, it also waits for 3 confirmations before using 
a new change address, which sometimes results in address reuse, but I 
guess a smarter strategy could avoid that).

> We also have to consider latency. The simplest implementation from a
> wallets POV is to step through each transaction in the block chain one
> at a time, and each time you see an address that is yours, calculate the
> next ones in the chain. But that would be fantastically slow, so we must
> instead pre-generate a larger lookahead region and request more data in
> one batch. Then you have to recover if that batch ends up using all the
> pre-genned addresses. It's just painful.

>     My opinion, as far as Electrum is concerned, is that merchant accounts
>     should behave differently from regular user accounts: While merchants
>     need to generate an unlimited number of receiving addresses, it is also
>     acceptable for them to have a slightly more complex wallet recovery
>     procedure
> Maybe. I dislike any distinction between users and merchants though. I
> don't think it's really safe to assume merchants are more sophisticated
> than end users.

well, it depends what we mean by "merchant". I was thinking more of a 
website running a script, rather than a brick and mortar ice cream 
seller. :)

>     but also because we want fully automated synchronization between
>     different
>     instances of a wallet, using only no other source of information than
>     the blockchain.
> I think such synchronization won't be possible as we keep adding
> features, because the block chain cannot sync all the relevant data. For
> instance Electrum already has a label sync feature. Other wallets need
> to compete with that, somehow, so we need to build a way to do
> cross-device wallet sync with non-chain data.

Oh, I was not referring to label sync, but only to the synchronization 
of the list of addresses in the wallet. Label sync is an Electrum plugin 
that relies on a centralized server. Using a third party server is 
acceptable in that case, IMO, because you will not lose your coins if 
the server fails.

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