You're very quick to point at others. Especially since they run software
that had the time to mature for about 30 years, and the protocol didn't
really change since then...

The last time it didn't work, the bug -- non RFC-conformance -- was on
the bitcoin seeders side. ISPs do weird things with DNS, but usually
they stay within the RFC.

Anyway, without logs we don't have a chance to debug this issue. Any
chance you could add simple logging to the seeder?

DNS via HTTP? Never heard of that, at least it sounds weird as well.

On 05/26/2014 06:37 PM, Peter Todd wrote:
> On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 09:12:10PM +0200, Andreas Schildbach wrote:
>> Thanks for looking at the issue.
>> Unfortunately, it still fails for me:
>> $ nslookup
>> Server:    
>> Address:
>> ** server can't find SERVFAIL
>> Like I said, can you look at the logfiles how the requests arrive?
> There are no logfiles for DNS requests.
> I just checked on EC2 and my cellphone internet connection here in Tel
> Aviv; both work fine. My best guess is that your DNS resolver locally or
> at your ISP is unable to deal with the fact that the second DNS seed
> serving the domain happens to be down
> right now. Note that some ISP's appear to both run buggy DNS servers,
> and redirect traffic meant to go to Google's 8.8.8 and DNS
> servers to their own servers.
> I'd suggest that someone setup an alternate HTTP(S) based DNS seed for
> protocol redundency.
>> What particular thing did you fix? It would be good to know for future
>> outages.
> Dunno exactly. It appeared to be running fine when I logged into the
> machine, but for whatever reason DNS requests just weren't getting
> resolved. Restarted and it was ok again.
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