On 05/27/2014 12:39 AM, Peter Todd wrote:

> On 27 May 2014 01:12:05 GMT+03:00, Andreas Schildbach
> <andr...@schildbach.de> wrote:
>> You're very quick to point at others. Especially since they run 
>> software that had the time to mature for about 30 years, and the
>> protocol didn't really change since then...
>> The last time it didn't work, the bug -- non RFC-conformance --
>> was on the bitcoin seeders side. ISPs do weird things with DNS,
>> but usually they stay within the RFC.
>> Anyway, without logs we don't have a chance to debug this issue.
>> Any chance you could add simple logging to the seeder?
>> DNS via HTTP? Never heard of that, at least it sounds weird as
>> well.
> Hey, really sorry I don't have the time to fix this issue, been
> travelling for a few weeks for my consulting job. If you want to
> step up and volunteer please feel free.

I'm already volunteering. At least I don't get paid for my efforts in
debugging the seed infrastructure.

Can you verify if your copy of the seeder contains the commit
8dcc006e6256cb746c2b025daf3df41baa26353e ?

It fixed a bug that has exactly the symptoms we currently see.

I wonder if the restart of your server actually changed/fixed
anything. If you got a SERVFAIL this may be because you were traveling
through parts of the world that can't reach your server. Did you
actually try at home, before the restart?

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