Hey Andreas, thank you for answering. 

Yep, by now not server side component.
What I have on mind  (Not sure if I`m wrong) is include bitcoinj lib on my 
android app, when the user wants to buy some item then clone the 
main-for-payments-wallet in the app  (one new cloned wallet for each 
payment instance) show a loading progress like: "Please send at least X.XX 
BTC to this wallet: xxxx-clone-of-main-for-payments-wallet-xxx" 
(https://bitcoinj.github.io/working-with-the-wallet#watching-wallets), then 
watch/observe this cloned wallet and when transaction be confirmed close 
dialog and enable item. 

As I wrote on my last comment I have no idea if this is possible (Just 
started to reading all documenation about bitcoinj). If you has some 
guidance for me I'll be very grateful.


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