Hello everybody!

I have received my results on the Codon 171 Scrapie resistance testing.
This post may fall into the "too much information category" so hang on!

I have 10 "QR" rams!  Four of these rams are 100% Barbados Blackbelly.
Three of these Barbados Blackbelly rams are 50% Carol Elkins "Zane" genetics
and 50% of my original "Dodge WIN0301399P" genetics.  The fourth Barbados
Blackbelly ram is a lamb born in December 2005.  He is genetically 25%
"Dodge WIN0301399P", 25% of a ewe from Texas, and 50% of a ram from South
Dakota.  So far he is smooth polled and perfectly marked!

I had 15 ewes come back testing "QR" and 2 testing "RR".  All of these ewes
were less than 100% and more than 50% Blackbelly.  I say "Blackbelly"
because they may be 100% Barbados Blackbelly, 100% American Blackbelly or
anything between. 

What I found out through all of this is my original "Dodge" was "QR" or
"RR".  And his sons I briefly used "Flash" & "Julius" were probably "QR".  I
didn't test any 100% Barbados Blackbelly ewes because I didn't expect good
results!  Instead I focused on testing ewes that in my opinion had a greater
chance of getting "QR" or "RR" results.

Assuming "QR" status on my "Dodge" ram and his sons half of their prodigy
should be "QR".  That would mean I should have 50 or more ewes that are at
least "QR".  That would put about 25% to 35% of my flock at "QR" status.  I
cannot afford to test the entire flock although I wish I could.  I do intend
to keep testing promising ram lambs in the future!

Speaking of ram lambs...  I have three incredible "Stud" rams available for
sale that tested "QQ"!  I am rather heart broken these guys didn't test "QR"
or better!  Two rams are solid Red Brown (50% Blackbelly, 25% Dorper, & 25%
Polypay) and I assume heterozygous on horns 50/50.  One solid Black ram (25%
Blackbelly, 25% Dorper, 25% Polypay, 12.5% Katahdin, 6.25% Columbia, 3.125%
Hampshire, & 3.125% Suffolk) probably homozygous polled.  At this time they
appear to have hair coats!  I would rather sell them for breeding rams than
wethers!  All three are much larger than the other 13 December born ram


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