I thought I would post this for those who may need to
'force' some food into a reluctant adult or weak lamb.
This works for many species of animals, and is great
for those who do not wish to, or do not have the
equipement to tube feed.

1. Animal must be conscious
2. Put the animal in a "sternum down" position--as in
laying naturally-- but not on it's side.. think Sphinx
3. Hold head up, with the end of jaw just slightly
higher than the throat junction.
4. Administer, via dosing syringe, a small amount of
the milk replacer or nutritional supplement, as far
back in the mouth as possible, but NOT into the
5.  Lghtly hold mouth closed, taking care not to
compress nasal passages.
6. Stroke gently, in one direction only, from  jaw end
to the sternum, on the front of the neck.
7. you should be able to sefeel  te animal swallow.
Sometimes, the animal will attempt to stick out it's
tongue-- this is a good sign--that is a reflexive
action to a weak swallow, and the animal is trying to
force the bolus down further.

It is important, when one has weakened animals, to
keep them sternum down-- this help prevent pnuemonia
from developing.


I hope this helps any of you that may have a weak lamb
this season.

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