Our vet reccomended we use the ivermectin injectable,
but to give it oraly.  Seems to do the trick.  I got
some bad sheep from a person a while back wormed them
and they pooped dead worms everywhere.  

Not sure if we are doing it right but it seems to


We use the ivermectin injectable on our sheep - my
husband just figures 
dose based on weight and calculates it down to sheep
size from the
recommended dose on the bottle for cattle.   We don't
use it on small 
because it's too hard to get that small of an amount
in them; for them 
use drench.  Ivermectin, if I recall correctly, is
given SQ (go by 
directions).  We also use it to worm our dogs, but you
must be sure 
your dog
does not have heartworms before using it on them.


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