hello everyone!

based upon early reservations the OCT/NOV trip will begin with a
clockwise loop of the west coast followed by a clockwise loop of the
east coast - from that point on the trip is open and will be determined
by transport legs that do not fit the above two loops - I already have
limited space available on these two loops

the beginning date of the trip will be based upon when I complete
several 'point to point' trips that are scheduled for SEP and possibly
spilling over into OCT

I have seen a trend in the recent trips of being heavily loaded by early
reservations so if you have a need to have animals transported it is
imperative that you contact me immediately - as always I need pick up
city/state, drop off city/state, and a brief description of the animals
to do preliminary planning - avoid the congestion of the group by
replying to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if you are contemplating a transport you should check at the ANIMAL
IMPORT web site below to see what the requirements are for importing an
animal into a particular state - have your vet double check with the
destination state state vet office to confirm the requirements far
enough in advance so that you can complete any required blood tests

as part of the 'point to point' trips I am likely to be empty on some
westbound legs - if you have animals needing to go westbound from the
Texas/lower midwest area get with me ASAP! - I have pick up locations in
NV, CA, and WA so I will be making trips from TX to these states

if you are 'geography impaired' remember that there is a printable map
in the files section of the Yahoo TravelWithRonK group area - contact me
if you want me to send the map directly to you

I watched the International Space Station fly over Texas earlier this
evening - it is inspiring for me to see that little dot in the sky that
is home for two astronauts!


- ALL livestock crossing a state line REQUIRES a minimum vet
inspection certificate - it may be as simple as a certificate
and rabies tag for dogs or as complex as several blood tests
for other species - I WILL NOT TRANSPORT animals that do not 
meet the minimum requirements - go to the IMPORT web site 
below to find out what is required for the destination state 
of your animals - then have your vet double check with the 
destination state vet office far enough in advance to have 
time to complete blood test requirements

- when I am on the road I DO NOT access my home email -
email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or @MidAmericaBreedingTech.com
addresses will NOT be viewed until I return home - if I do not 
answer your email within 24 hours assume I am on the road 
- in that case contact me through the Travel group below
- the same applies to my telephone voice recorder at 512.259.5098


IMPORTANT NOTE: if you anticipate using my transport service 
you need to join the TravelWithRonK group below immediately!

    by joining Yahoo at


    or by email only (not required to join Yahoo)

       Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Subscribe:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Unsubscribe:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Travel with Confidence with TravelWithRonK!
                   see pictures of my rig at 
                 http://TravelWithRonK.com and

                   ron keener near Austin, Texas

thanks - please see below for some useful web sites


                 TRAVEL MAPS at http://www.MapQuest.com
         DISTANCE CALCULATIONS at http://www.indo.com/distance/
       ANIMAL IMPORT info at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/sregs
   TRAVEL WITH ME at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TravelWithRonK
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