At 08:07 AM 10/8/2006, Barb Lee wrote:
>The last time the custom slaughter guy was out here, he did not shoot 
>the animal, but instead simultaneously cut its throat and broke its 
>neck.  Death was instantaneous.  I couldn't watch but Bob did and he 
>said the animal never twitched, unlike being stunned by a rifle first. 
>This is a pretty specific skill, and of course his knives are as sharp 
>as surgical instruments.
>Barb Lee

Wow, that *is* a pretty specific skill... I'd have to see it done many times 
before I'd be confident to try it.  He could probably sell an instructional 
video to homesteader types.  I have a hard time separating the skull from the 
spine when they're dead, let alone still breathing.  I know someone who's 
grandma used to kill chickens by twisting the head right off in one movement.  
She'd hold it and pet it until it calmed down, then *pop*!  Another trick I'd 
like to learn.


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