> Wow, that *is* a pretty specific skill... I'd have to see it done many 
> times before I'd be confident to try it.  He could probably sell an 
> instructional video to homesteader types.  I have a hard time 
> separating the skull from the spine when they're dead, let alone still 
> breathing.  I know someone who's grandma used to kill chickens by 
> twisting the head right off in one movement.  She'd hold it and pet it 
> until it calmed down, then *pop*!  Another trick I'd like to learn.
> Julian

Very recently, there was a huge scandal in the local paper about a "kill 
gone bad" at a high school's ag class.  The school has for decades 
offered this class, and the students were offered the choice of whether 
to witness the slaughtering and processing of a lamb.  My slaughter guy 
really arced up when I brought up the subject.  He said the guy who did 
it was a complete and total imbecile because he essentially used this 
technique and really botched it - apparently rather theatrically - in 
front of the kids.  One of the kids was really freaked and took it to 
the press.   Bob said, when Willie did it, there wasn't even the 
thrashing about that occurs from a bullet.  And he also said that the 
animals nearby had zero reaction to the event.

Maybe I'll search around for a description of this method and post a 
link if I can find one.  He said it could not be done on the rams.


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