What part of the country do you live in?

--- helen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To all on the list;
> This has been one heck of a month for us. So far, we
> have lost 18 new lambs. 
> All in just this month. There is no bounty for them
> ... there is no one who 
> knows who to contact about them ... I have called
> the National Fish and 
> Wildlife, the Sherrif, [big joke], the Ag office,
> Farm Services, and they 
> all said "I don't know what to tell you".There is no
> compensation to those 
> of us who have lost livestock to coyotes ...
> nothing. My neighbor lost 1 
> newborn calf when the mother went to the spring to
> get water after dropping 
> her calf. [thinking it was safe, I suppose.] Another
> neighbor lost 15 
> calves, and of course, we lost our 18 lambs. We
> don't have a dog, mainly 
> because ours passed on two months ago.This loss is
> almost ½ our flock. We 
> thought we had it under control, because we lock
> them up in the barn ever 
> since the first attack. But ... coyotes are super
> smart. They waited until 
> we let them out in the morning to graze and got them
> them. Today it was 
> peasoup foggy out and we let the ewews and their
> lambs out and by the time 
> my husband got back to the house he could hear the
> ewes crying. He hurried 
> down there but it was too late. Two more dead and
> one just hanging on by a 
> thread, in deep shock. I am not the type to kill for
> no reason ... but this 
> is my livelihood. Shooting is the only thing we can
> do, but that means 24/7 
> sitting with a rifle ... waiting. Even though the
> NFWL says they don't come 
> out during the day. HA!!! Poisoning is out of the
> question, since we have so 
> many deer, I would hate it if one got hurt
> unintentionally.. Does anyone 
> have any suggestion for us?
> Thank you,
> Helen 
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