Excellent...what time is dinner??  <VBG>  You're actually celebrating 
Thanksgiving???  I'm impressed!!

I'll be interested in hearing how the leg o lamb turns out.  Sounds 

Keep your fingers crossed for our sheep sale on Fri.  The guy is actually 
spending the night at the motel in Prineville, and coming over in the am on 

As for our dinner...Sally and Bob Gibson invited us over for the traditional 
turkey do!!  We all went to the NW Circuit Finals Rodeo yesterday and had a 
nice afternoon.

Oh...we have snow on the butte this am and on Grizzly.  It's getting to be 



> Woo hoo!  Gonna have us some Jamaican Jerked Leg o' Blackbelly ala BBSAI
> Lamb Lover's Cookbook, some dirty rice, a tropical fruit salad, and
> maybe a mud pie for dessert, and what rum doesn't go in the lamb
> marinade will...uh...be poured down the drain???  :o) 

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