We had a ewe get caught in the crook of a small tree last week. Didn't see 
any broken skin, so we gave her 2 shots/pumps of nutri-drench and rubbed her 
leg real good to get circulation back in it.  But she would drag her leg as 
if it were broken. I had my husband put a salve of lard and hot peppers 
(ground) on her leg, not much though, to get the circulation going the next 
day. She got 2 more doses of nutri-drench. Her hip and leg all the way to 
the ankle/hoof seemed to be fine, but she was losing weight badly. So it 
was, open the mouth, put in some grain and make her eat it. We really 
thought she was a gonner. Yesterday she would put her hoof down and sort of 
wobble it back and forth, but wouldn't put any weight on it. Today she is 
standing with some weight on it, but not walking on it. My neighbor said 
even though sheep and goats are smart in some ways, they are very dumb in 
others. If they get hurt, they can just give up,( because of being trapped 
in the JAWS of the PREDATOR), they think they are dying. She so far is doing 
better by the day. If this keeps up she will be put back out with the rest 
of the flock in 4-5 days.

You wrote;
 I don't know yet if she hurt her hip permantely or not as she hasn't tryed 
to stand since he got her out. Any other suggestions of what I can do for 

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