If she is eating and drinking she will probably be walking OK in about a
week.  The penicillin is a good idea.  An anti-inflammatory such as 1cc of
Banamine per day until acting normal would help.  Dexamethasone is a steroid
and anti-inflammatory that also works well (.5CC TO 2CC).  Dexamethasone
really makes a injured sheep feel much better.  IMPORTANT Dexamethasone is
also used to induce labor so DO NOT use if the ewe is pregnant!  Also,
Dexamethasone reduces the immune system so do not use if an active infection
or fever is present.    

My disclaimer:  I am not a veterinarian 

Mark Wintermute

>Good morning,  my husband found one of my favorite jacob sheep ewes caught 
>in a fence this morning. I don't know how long she was there maybe 
>overnight. She has a wound on her leg just above the ankle area which I put

>a little pennicillian on and also sprayed with iodine. I gave her a tetnus 
>shot and about 6cc of penn. I don't know yet if she hurt her hip permantely

>or not as she hasn't tryed to stand since he got her out. Any other 
>suggestions of what I can do for her? I will continue to give 6 cc of penn 
>for the next 3 or 4 days. Any suggestions would be helpful. I know that I 
>can't wrap or bandage her leg because of being a wooly. Thanks Nancy 

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