I always use hay in a box or crate for the bedding of the bottle babies.
Their rumen really doesn't get developed enough to do much until they are 30
days old or so.  But the baby will nibble and consume small amounts of hay,
pellets, grain, grass and such which stimulates the rumen to develop.  So
the more a lamb consumes the sooner he is ready physically to be weaned.
For right now milk replacer and protection from the cold and pneumonia is
most important.  My rule of thumb for weaning is the lamb needs to weigh at
least 25 pounds and be readily consuming hay/grass/grain and be beyond 30
days old (the older the better).

My opinion,


I had a twin born early. As I noted before we lost the other lamb and the
momma but as I have never dealt with an early baby I would like to also have
a question answered. She, Blessing, is slowly starting to eat more and more
of her bottle but when as a preemie should we offer her hay, feed, etc.  Not
sure and the weather has gone crazy here in OK so we are not taking her out
oj in ok

Oneta and The Gang 

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