no need to apologize.  I'm not sure why I have none of these issues here in MD, 
but I have just not been exposed to any of these things at all.  I feel very 
fortunate to not have any of these problems.  But I am very interested in 
learning about the issues other people have had and are having.  

Thanks for explaining.

Nancy L. Johnson
cell: 301 440 4808

----- Original Message -----
From: "Crystal Wolf" <>
To: "Blackbelly digest" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 7:30:35 PM
Subject: [Blackbelly] DE

My apologies for using an acryonym without the explanation.  Diatameceous 
earth is (DE)  is fossil flour that comes from Utah.  It is tiny ancient 
fossils ground into a flour consistancy.  When fed to poultry, dogs, cats, 
horeses and sheep it literally cuts up the internal parasites.  It is also 
good for human consumption as well.  BE SURE however that you buy food grade 
DE.  There is also DE for swimming pools which is not for consumption by any 
animal.  I mist their grain with 50/50 apple cider vineger and water 
(another natural wormer).  This allows the DE and granulated garlic to cling 
to the feed and cut the flour dust down when they eat it.  I also mix it in 
their kelp along with granulated garlic.  The lamb I had to destroy had 
intestinal worms but I don't recall the name of the worm.  This is the worst 
case of internal parasites I've had.  Normally if someone gets wormy which 
does not happen very often, I will give them a garlic drench first for a 
couple days.  If that does not work, then I give the SafeGuard at a rate 
twice noted for goats.  Most times the garlic does the trick.  I rarely have 
to use the SafeGuard.  So this guy was must have had a really poor immune 
system.  I tried for 3 months to save him, to no avail.  Oh, I also put DE 
in the holes where the poultry do their dust baths to help keep off the 
mites and lice on the birds.

Cathy Mayton

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