Hello Steve,
Our bane here in Ohio is Poison Hemlock. Lost a lamb, 2 years ago and a
ewe this year. Had one goat go cross eyed for about 8 months. Doing all
we can to eradicate it from our farm.
On 11/22/2013 4:08 PM, Steve wrote:
Hey Jann,
Welcome to the list. Being fairly new to it as well, it's nice not
being the ranking newbie. I have Barbados Blackbellies in Eastern
Oregon. I wanted to add to or rephrase your question to the group a
little for my own curiosities. I have seen my sheep eradicate Sage
brush and weeds quite effectively here. As the weed list here is
probably of decent size, and some of those weeds did not seem to be as
delectable as others.... Has anyone run into problems with their sheep
eating something that got them sick, or are the sheep smart enough to
know what not to eat?
Thanks All,
Burns, OR
On 11/22/2013 12:26 PM, mtnrdgr...@aol.com wrote:
I have a question for the list. My new sheep love tumbleweeds. Is
that ok for them to eat?
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