On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Dave Serls wrote:
> > I've a situation where I want to select a different menuFile depending
> > on the host that blackbox is running on (because of executable
> > existence/location).
> > Is there a way to accomplish this in .blackboxrc?
> > I'm able to pas in -rc, of course, to blackbox, but this leads to
> > other problems.
> I am curious: what problems?

  blackbox -rc blackboxrc.$(hostname)
And define rc files for each or your different hosts.  In my case I use
  blackbox -rc blackboxrc.$(uname)
since my issues are only based on host type.
This seems to work for me, but blackbox does automatically write out a
.blackboxrc file it seems.
I don't see what issues you could have.

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