I'm trying to test the VimOutliner
(http://www.troubleshooters.com/projects/vimoutliner/index.htm) to see
if it's something I'd like to use. The conf file for it specifies gvim,
which I don't normally use, but since my .vimrc is built with the idea
that I'm using a dark background, and the VimOutliner is built with the
idea that I'm using a light background, I decided to give gvim a whirl.
(yes, I know, I can specify different settings in the vimoutliner conf
or my vimrc, but I wanted to try something new...)

Before everybody thinks this is off-topic to the blackbox list...

I can't get a gvim window to fit properly in my screen on startup. When
it launches, it comes with a fully maximized screen. Unfortunately, this
means that large portions of it are off-screen (to the right and bottom)
due to my blackbox settings (sloppy focus, cascade windows left to
right, top to bottom, no full maximization enabled).

I've specified in my .gvimrc a ":set ghr=66", which gets the vertical
measurement working fine, but leaves the horizontal still much too big.

So I tried bbappconf (with x0r's patch), and set the following:
    bbappconf.x.width:  96
    bbappconf.x.height: 42
along with specifying ":set ghr=1" in my .gvimrc. Unfortunately, I now
get a very small window (just wide enough for the gvim toolbars, and
only one line high). 

Using bblaunch, I can only make it fully maximized -- which still ends
up too big.

Anybody using blackbox and gvim? How do /you/ get gvim to play nice?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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