On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Chris Grossmann wrote:

> On July 24 (07:40 EDT), Anarky wrote:
> >     maybe it would be nice if future versions of blackbox had like a 
> > menu where all the applications that you used are placed based on 
> > frequency ... so, if say you start your icq client 5 times a day then it 
> > gets in there ... well, u get the idea. What do you think?
> Since the blackbox menus are loaded dynamically as the files
> change, this would be something that could be done as an
> external script.  I think it'd be great.  If you need help
> testing a prototype, let me know.

This could be similar to Apple's use of the Recent Applications and Recent 
Documents menus that were present in the Apple Menu through OS 9 (I don't 
currently know whether this is implemented in OS X, but it might be worth 
a peek.) 

I don't know how much sense it makes in a blackbox environment (makes 
perfect sense on a Mac desktop, though) where most of your stuff will be 
done through a command line (unless you're a Rox-Filer user or actually 
LIKE running nautilus on your bb desktop :) but if there's ways to hook in 
and gather the information on the fly or to 'loop' out at app launch to 
pass the info to a script, then it should be possible. 
> >     Also, another thing that I would find very useful would be a way to 
> > move even apps that don't have a blackbox menu (like xmms) to a desktop 
> > .. actually it woudl be great if I could just press a key combo (I know, 
> > this would be a bbkeys, thing).
> Yes, bbkeys.  :)

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