On Sun, 03 Aug 2003 23:18:09 +0300
Anarky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dave Serls wrote:

> >   Opera (6.11) is decent and fast for most broowsing purposes, 7.11 actually
> >   is 'snake eyes' and may be creepier than Slozilla.
> >  
> >
> what does 'snake eyes' mean?

   The new Opera feels like 1.1 not 7.11 (this is a dice game expression).

> >
> >3) Try ROX for file manglement.
> >
> >  
> >
> I can only find a destop, not a file manager by that name

  On SF, go to the desktop project.
  Select the programs you need from there.

*   Dave Serls                                 Littleton, CO, USA      *
*   dashs.denver.co.us                         sorrybiscuit.com        *

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