On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 01:18, David Bonner wrote:
> Okay, I've got a basic version up and running.  Now comes the request 
> for details.  vanRijn, I know you said you needed to know whether we 
> built with xft.  Do you just want a simple
> % pkg-config blackbox --variable xft
> yes

Well, I'm not really all that familiar with pkgconfig, to be perfectly
honest.  But from 30 seconds of looking at the man page, it looks like
--libs will what's mostly needed for this xft problem.  Also, it looks
like the command will be:

pkg-config --libs blackbox

And you're doing this so that blackbox will install .pc files, right?
(From the pkg-config manpage....)

       pkg-config retrieves information about packages from  special  metadata
       files. These files are named after the package, with the extension .pc.
       By default, pkg-config looks in the directory prefix/lib/pkgconfig  for
       these  files;

I'm hoping someone on this list (Brad?) knows a smidgen more than me on

> or do you want something more complicated?  I'm doing this like the menu 
> and style files (sed substitution at install time), so we've got pretty 
> much all relevant info at hand.
> Also, do we want to make this a blackbox package description, or a libbt 
>   package description?  If libbt, do we want to match versions with 
> blackbox (ie. set the libbt version to blackbox's $(PACKAGE_VERSION))?
> Once I know exactly what we need (and once cvs comes back up so I can 
> get a pristine tree to diff against...) I can get you guys a patch.
> -- 
> david bonner

| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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