On Friday 09 January 2004 14:44, Ciprian Popovici wrote:
> I finally got some time to work on this, so here it is. The main changes
> are the illustrated walkthrough, in the "Screenshots and styles"
> section, and a listing of Blackbox sibling projects in the "About"
> section. Do click on the images, the larger versions have explanations
> on them. :) They're rather crude but I think they succeed in giving
> people an idea of what Blackbox looks like.

they do not match the current look of 0.70.cvs (-:

> The site can be seen at <http://blackbox.zuavra.net>. The next draft
> will finally give the admins a management interface to play with. Please
> do tell me if you have any ideas for improvement or things that should
> be fixed.

site looks nice over all, I have a few comments.

1) please kill the "BLACKBOX" image at the top.  Looks shabby.

2) this site looks very different in mozilla and konqueuror.

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