On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 18:31:54 -0800
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 23 January 2004 14:51, Dave Serls wrote:
> > A segment fault for bbappconf when compiled with gcc3xx may be avoided by
> > initializing the pointer "frame.font = NULL;"  in the Resource constructor
> > (is that the right terminology?) just prior to the 'Load()'.
> > This looks like a re-visit of a similar problem with bbweather.
> > Are pointers in new instantiation not set to NULL automagically by
> > gcc3xxx?
> >
> A new pointer has an unknown value.  NULL (which is now 0 in common C++ usage) 
> means "I point to nothing".
  Yes. As it was in C.
  Yet with gcc 3.3.1 (Mandrake 9.2rc2), the unknown value is 0x100, hardly
  NULL.  I'm assuming gcc 2.96 has it 0 (NULL).
  Also, I'm assuming that the failing call to XFreeFont() tolerates NULL, but not

*   Dave Serls                                 Littleton, CO, USA      *
*   dashs.denver.co.us                         sorrybiscuit.com        *

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