On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 11:23:05 +0100 Mads Martin Joergensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Ciprian Popovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Jan 31. 2004 09:59]:
> > > not much.
> > > bbpager is a definite no
> > > bbconf needs updating because the style format has been modified
> > > bbrun I think just opens a command prompt so it should be fine.
> > > Basically, if it talks to blackbox via messages it will not work. If it
> > > reads the styles it needs updating but the work should be minimal,
> > > see the styleconvert code for leads.
> > 
> > Nevertheless, it would be a good idea to look for tools that claim NetWM
> > compatibility and try them out. It would probably be a good workout
> > for the CVS Blackbox. It's unlikely you'll see "NetWM", they are usually
> > advertised as "Gnome or KDE desktop compatible". Pagers, key handlers,
> > taskbars like gpanel, they should theoretically work, no? Even the
> > Gnome panel should work if I'm correct.
> Or it's called ICCCM, which is the NetWM standard if I'm not mistaken.
> http://freedesktop.org/Standards/wm-spec/wm-spec-1.3.html

No no. IIRC, ICCCM is the previous generation of wm standards. NetWM is the
newer one.

Ciprian Popovici

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