On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 09:56:11AM +1100, Hurgh wrote:
> Just a quetsion about the background in blackbox.

Blackbox doesn't have backgrounds.  The root window does. :)

> I know that you use the Esetroot command to change the background, the
> question that i have though is how do u make it stay like that.

Ew.  Don't use Esetroot.  Don't go *near* Esetroot.  Don't even THINK about


Anyway, Esetroot does other oddball things and is really indended only for
use with things like Enlightenment.  Use something else to set the root
window.  You could use xv, or display, or xloadimage, or wmsetbg, or
what have you.

Just not Esetroot.

> If i use Esetroot, and then i restart blackbox or something like that,
> the background is not what i set ut at but just a gradient. What file do
> i need to edit or what do i need to do to make the background stay every
> time that i reboot?

That's because it's transient.  You have to do it each time you fire up X,
either by hand (like you've been doing), or from your ~/.xsession file.
I'd put it in ~/.xsession, were I you.

Marc Wilson

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