Well now for the *real* answer.

I use Esetroot for my pretty "Rinoa" background.  I like to use Eterm on my 
desktop, because it adds to some prettyness.

In your style file.  (You will have to do a bit of research, it's defined by 
your configuration file) you'll see a line:
now mine looks like:
        rootCommand:    Esetroot ~/.blackbox/styles/rinoa/ff8-rinoa.jpg

Yours should look like however you want,  well the file name anyways.

if your interested in my theme/and or if you have no clue as what to do.

Good luck.

On Sunday 28 October 2001 20:31, you wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 09:56:11AM +1100, Hurgh wrote:
> > Just a quetsion about the background in blackbox.
> Blackbox doesn't have backgrounds.  The root window does. :)
> > I know that you use the Esetroot command to change the background, the
> > question that i have though is how do u make it stay like that.
> Ew.  Don't use Esetroot.  Don't go *near* Esetroot.  Don't even THINK about
> Esetroot.
> *AHEM*.
> Anyway, Esetroot does other oddball things and is really indended only for
> use with things like Enlightenment.  Use something else to set the root
> window.  You could use xv, or display, or xloadimage, or wmsetbg, or
> what have you.
> Just not Esetroot.
> > If i use Esetroot, and then i restart blackbox or something like that,
> > the background is not what i set ut at but just a gradient. What file do
> > i need to edit or what do i need to do to make the background stay every
> > time that i reboot?
> That's because it's transient.  You have to do it each time you fire up X,
> either by hand (like you've been doing), or from your ~/.xsession file.
> I'd put it in ~/.xsession, were I you.

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